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High-throughput computing with GROMACS


High-throughput simulations can easily produce a lot of data, so please plan your data management (data flow, storage needs) and analysis pipelines beforehead. Don't hesitate to contact CSC Service Desk if you're unsure about any aspect of your workflow.

GROMACS comes with a built-in multidir functionality, which allows users to run multiple concurrent simulations within one Slurm allocation. This is an excellent option for high-throughput use cases, where the aim is to run several similar, but independent, jobs. Notably, multiple calls of sbatch or srun are not needed, which decreases the load on the batch queue system. Please consider this option if you're running high-throughput workflows or enhanced sampling jobs such as replica exchange or free energy simulations using ensemble-based distance or orientation restraints.

Another utility of multidir is that it can be used to increase the parallel efficiency of small systems. By launching multiple trajectories per GPU (or CPU node), the combined throughput of each independent simulation will increase due to better resource utilization. This is especially useful for maximizing the performance of small systems on LUMI-G, as well on Mahti where only full CPU nodes can be reserved.

Example batch script for Mahti

This example adapts the production part of the lysozyme tutorial by considering 8 similar copies of the system that have been equilibrated with different velocity initializations. Inputs corresponding to each copy are named identically md_0_1.tpr and placed in subdirectories run* as illustrated below by the output of the tree command.

$ tree
├── run1
│   └── md_0_1.tpr
├── run2
│   └── md_0_1.tpr
├── run3
│   └── md_0_1.tpr
├── run4
│   └── md_0_1.tpr
├── run5
│   └── md_0_1.tpr
├── run6
│   └── md_0_1.tpr
├── run7
│   └── md_0_1.tpr
└── run8
    └── md_0_1.tpr
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
#SBATCH --partition=medium
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --account=<project>

# this script runs a 128 core gromacs multidir job (8 simulations, 16 cores per simulation)

module purge
module load gromacs-env


srun gmx_mpi mdrun -multidir run* -s md_0_1.tpr -dlb yes

By issuing sbatch in the parent directory, all simulations are run concurrently using one full Mahti node without hyperthreading so that each system is allocated 16 cores. As the systems were initialized with different velocities, we obtain 8 distinct trajectories and an improved sampling of the phase space (see RMSD analysis below). This is a great way to accelerate sampling if your system does not scale to a full Mahti node.

Root-mean-squared-deviations of the simulated replicas

Example batch script for LUMI

Medium-sized and large systems (few 100k–1M+ atoms) are typically able to utilize multiple GPUs on LUMI efficiently. Many smaller use cases run also well on a single GCD (half a GPU), but the smaller the system gets, the poorer it will be able to utilize the full capacity of the accelerator.

The multidir feature can be used to increase the GPU utilization of small systems by running multiple trajectories per GCD. Below is an example batch script that launches 4 trajectories per GCD in a resource allocation of two GPU nodes (16 GCDs). Each of the 64 .tpr files are organized into separate directories run1 through run64, similar to the Mahti example above.

#SBATCH --partition=standard-g
#SBATCH --account=<project>
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=8
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32

module use /appl/local/csc/modulefiles
module load gromacs/2024.3-gpu



cat << EOF > select_gpu

exec \$*

chmod +x ./select_gpu


srun --cpu-bind=${CPU_BIND} ./select_gpu gmx_mpi mdrun -s topol -nb gpu -bonded gpu -pme gpu -update gpu -multidir run*

Note that the number of MPI tasks you request should be a multiple of the number of independent inputs, in this case 1 task per input. Since there are only 56 CPU cores available per LUMI-G node, we use just a single thread per task. For details on the CPU-GPU binding, see the GROMACS application page, as well as LUMI Docs.

The plot below shows the total combined throughput obtained when running multiple replicas of the 96k atom alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) benchmark on two LUMI-G nodes (2 fs timestep). When the number of trajectories per GCD is increased from one to four, the overall performance (sum of each independent trajectory) increases by about one microsecond per day due to better GPU utilization. Since each simulation is independent, one could scale this use case to a huge number of nodes for maximal throughput.

GCD-sharing on LUMI-G using multidir

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