Remote disk mounts

With remote disk mounts you can use your CSC directories in a way that resembles the usage of an external disk or USB memory stick. Using this approach normally requires installing some extra software to your local computer, but it also makes the usage very fluent as no scp or other data transfer programs are needed to move files between local computer and CSC.

On Mac OSX and linux machines, sshfs can be used to mount some disk areas at CSC to users own machine. With this tool the remote disk areas at the servers of CSC can be used just like local directories. To be able to use sshfs you local Linux machine must have FUSE and sshfs installed. In the case of MacOSX the required packages are OSXFUSE and SSHFS

Using sshfs in Linux

Once sshfs is installed in your Linux machine you can create remote disk mount with command syntax:

sshfs username@hostname:/path/to/dir /path/to/mountpoint

For example, to make the home directory on Puhti of user kayttaja visible to a local Linux computer, execute command:

mkdir csc_home
sshfs csc_home


On MacOS you might need to add the -o defer_permissions option to the sshfs command in case you are getting Permission denied errors after mounting.

The first command creates an empty directory that will be used as the mount point in the second command. When the remote mount is established, you can use the directory as any directory in your Linux system. For example, to see the content of the CSC home directory of kayttaja, you could now give a command:

ls csc_home

If no path is specified, the default mounted remote directory is the users home directory.

To unmount the file system, give the command:

fusermount -u mountpoint

For our example, the command would be:

fusermount -u csc_home

On MacOS, replace the fusermount -u command with umount.

Last update: March 16, 2021