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Submitting a batch job

Submit a job to the queue with command sbatch:

sbatch <batch_job_file>

For example:


When the job is successfully submitted, the command prints out the ID number of the submitted job. For example, Submitted batch job 3609650.

To check if your job is running correctly:

squeue -u $USER


squeue --me

You should see your job ID and other details displayed in the terminal.

To cancel a submitted batch job:

scancel <jobid>

For example,

scancel 3609650

To find out more about your jobs:


The information includes the state of the jobs (PENDING, RUNNING, COMPLETED, FAILED, etc.) and the job ID. By default, the sacct command displays information about a user's own jobs that have been submitted to the queue on the current date. It also has a wide selection of options and parameters that can be used to select which data is displayed. See all sacct options and parameters.

Avoid querying too much data with sacct

Do not query job data from a long time period with sacct. sacct fetches its data from the Slurm accounting database, and with large queries the operation can be heavy on the system. In particular, avoid running the command many times in a row. Instead, you can redirect the output data to a file and then search that for whatever information you want to analyze. For example, to save the data from the past 7 days in a file sacct-output.txt:

sacct --starttime now-7days > sacct-output.txt

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