Using the web interface


This version of Rahti is deprecated. The projects need to be migrated from Rahti 1 platform to the new Rahti 2 production platform by June 2024. Please consult the migration guide for more information.

All applications launched in OpenShift run within projects that can be created by any authenticated user. Each project has its own private virtual network and is isolated from other projects. Users can only see projects they have created themselves or that have been shared with them. Any containers, volumes and other resources created by users are always created within a project.

You can either select applications to run in the application catalog that is visible when first logging in or launch any applications using the primitives described in the background chapter.

Log in at (see Getting access for instructions). After logging in, you should see a page like this:

OpenShift main page

Proceed to create a project for running your applications.

Last update: December 8, 2023