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Working with large language models on supercomputers

This guide gives some examples and hints on how to work with large language models (LLMs) on CSC's supercomputers.

LLMs and GPU memory

If you are doing inference (using a model, rather than training), you can in some cases do without a GPU, for example if the model is small enough or has been reduced by quantization. However, in most other cases you will need to use a GPU.

In order to use an LLM (or any neural network) with a GPU, the model needs to be loaded into the GPU memory (VRAM). LLMs can be very large and here the size of the GPU memory becomes critical. You can refer to our table of GPU stats for the full details, but our GPUs have VRAM memory as follows:

  • 32 GB on Puhti (NVIDIA V100)
  • 40 GB on Mahti (NVIDIA A100)
  • 64 GB on LUMI (single GCD of an AMD MI250x)

The model size in memory depends on how the weights are stored. Typically a regular floating point value in a computer is stored in a format called fp32, which uses 32 bits of memory, or 4 bytes (remember 8 bits = 1 byte). In deep learning, 16 bit floating point formats (fp16 of bf16) have been used for a long time to speed up part of the computation. These use 2 bytes of memory per weight. Recently, as model sizes have grown, even lower-precision formats, going down to 8 or even 4 bits, have become more common. Common quantization methods include GPTQ, SpQR and GGML/GGUF. If you are unfamiliar with quantization, see for example this online guide on quantization for LLMs.

The model size in memory is then the number of parameters times the number of bytes needed for storing a single weight. For example a 30 billion parameter model with fp16 takes up 60 GB of memory. In practice for inference there's up to 20% overhead so you might actually need around 70 GB of memory, and thus even a single GCD in LUMI might not be enough for our example model. If you would instead store that model with 4 bit quantization, it would be about 0.5 bytes per parameter, so around 15 GB for our example (or around 18 GB with overhead).

For training a lot more memory is needed as not only the model, but also the optimizer states, gradients and activations need to be stored. As a very rough estimate, around 4-6x the model size (in GB) is needed for fine-tuning a model, but this depends a lot on the details. So for our example 30B parameter fp16 model, it might require 60 GB x 6 = 360 GB of GPU memory for training! We'll discuss ways to solve this problem in the sections below. See the Transformer Math 101 blog post by EleutherAI for more details.

Fine-tuning LLMs

We have a git repository with some example scripts for doing LLM fine-tuning on Puhti, Mahti or LUMI. The example uses the Hugging Face (HF) libraries and in particular the HF Trainer to train a given model (taken from the HF model repositories) with the IMDb movie review dataset. The task itself might not make much sense, it's just used to demonstrate the technical task of fine-tuning a model with a given dataset.

The examples, by default, use the EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B model, as it will fit into the memory of a single GPU in Puhti. Given that it's a 1.37 billion parameter model with 32 bit weights, according to our rule-of-thumb, mentioned above, it might require up to 1.37x4x6 = 32 GB of memory for training, so it should just fit into the 32 GB maximum of Puhti's V100 (if we're lucky).

The repository has basic launch scripts for Puhti, Mahti and LUMI for a single GPU, a full node (4 GPUs or Puhti/Mahti and 8 GPUs on LUMI) and two full nodes (8 respectively 16 GPUs). The Slurm scripts are essentially the same as for any PyTorch DDP runs, see our Multi-GPU and multi-node ML guide for examples, or just take a look at the scripts in the GitHub repository:

(The repository also has scripts for Mahti and LUMI if you check the file listing.)

The basic multi-GPU versions are all using PyTorch Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) mode, in which each GPU has a full copy of the model. Only the training data is distributed across the different GPUs. This means that the full model must fit into a single GPU.

If your model doesn't fit into a single GPU on Puhti, it might work on Mahti or LUMI, but first check with the rule-of-thumb calculation mentioned above if there's even a chance of that! If not, read on for PEFT and FSDP approaches.

Using PEFT and LoRA

If your model would fit into the GPU memory, it is still possible that all the extra memory needed by the overhead of the fine-tuning process will not fit (you will notice this quickly as the program crashes with a CUDA or ROCm out-of-memory error!). Then the solution may be to use the Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) library which trains a smaller number of extra parameters, which reduces the training overhead a substantially. PEFT supports many methods including LoRA and QLoRA.

PEFT will typically have about 10% of the original number of parameters, but the amount of GPU memory saved varies depending on the situation. We have seen savings from 5% to 60%.

PEFT is very easy to enable, see the PEFT quicktour for an example. PEFT can be enabled in the example above simply by adding the flag --peft. It might pay to dig a bit deeper into the best parameters for using LoRA for example.

Using Accelerate and FSDP

For larger models that do not fit into the GPU memory (even for inference), you need to use an approach that splits the actual model (and the training overhead) over multiple GPUs. We can no longer retain a full copy of the model in each GPU.

A good approach, which is supported natively in PyTorch is Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP). In FSDP the model parameters, gradients and optimizer states are not stored completely in each GPU, but are split up (sharded) between all GPUs and only gathered together as needed in the current stage of the training.

Perhaps to easiest way to take FSDP into use for large language models is to use Hugging Face's Accelerate framework. No changes are needed to the PyTorch script, one only needs to change to the accelerate launcher. Our GitHub repository has example scripts for launching on one or two full nodes on Puhti:

(The repository also has scripts for Mahti and LUMI if you check the file listing.)

Our Multi-GPU and multi-node ML guide also has Slurm script examples for using Accelerate with FSDP.

There are two things to note when using Accelerate:

  1. The accelerate launcher expects to have a configuration YAML file. We have provided two examples in the GitHub repository, accelerate_config.yaml for a basic example and accelerate_config_fsdp.yaml for using FSDP. These configs use reasonable default parameters, but it might be useful to tweak those, especially take a look at FSDP's parameters.

  2. For multi-node runs you need to launch the accelerate launcher separately on each node with the --machine_rank argument set according to the rank of the node (0=first node, 1=second node etc). We can use the $SLURM_NODEID variable to set this, but we need to use a shell trick so that it isn't evaluated until it actually runs in the specific node. (See the script for an example of how this can be done.)

You can also use PEFT (LoRA) with Accelerate with the --peft in our example script.

Alternative trainers

An alternative to the standard Hugging Face Trainer for fine-tuning LLMs is the SFTTrainer from the TRL library. These are not covered in this guide. We recommend checking for example this fine-tuning guide from Hugging Face, which also covers the Unsloth library.

Using quantization

Using the bitsandbytes library, you can also use 4-bit quantization. Quantization has been integrated into Hugging Face Transformers as well.

from transformers import BitsAndBytesConfig
bnb_config = BitsAndBytesConfig(

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(

In our example script this can be tried with the --4bit argument. This will decrease even further the memory requirements.


Inference, that is using the model rather than training it, is usually much simpler. Our example git repository has an inference example in and If your model doesn't fit into a single GPU, you can simple reserve more GPUs and then let Hugging Face sort it out by setting device_map='auto' when loading the model, for example:

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(args.model, device_map='auto')

Inference with Ollama

Ollama is a popular tool for using LLMs, as it supports several state-of-the-art models which can be accessed via an API. Ollama has been designed to run as a service, and is thus not directly suited to running as a batch job on supercomputers. However, it can be run as part of a batch job by starting the service at the start of the job, and stopping when the job ends.

First, you can install Ollama into your project folder like this:

cd /projappl/project_2001234  # replace with the appropriate path for you
mkdir ollama
cd ollama
tar xzf ollama-linux-amd64.tgz
rm ollama-linux-amd64.tgz

In your batch job you then just need to start the service with ollama serve. After that your job can access the API in localhost at port 11434. It's also a good idea to setup the environment variable OLLAMA_MODELS to point to the project scratch, as it will otherwise download huge model files to your home directory. See our example Slurm script for running with Ollama.

Last update: October 4, 2024