High-throughput Nextflow workflow using HyperQueue
The Slurm executor of Nextflow is not suitable for large workflows involving tens of thousands of processes on HPC systems. This is due to the usage of individual jobs/job steps that bloat the Slurm log and degrade the performance of the batch job scheduler. To maximize throughput and performance, we recommend the Nextflow workflow tasks to be run using the HyperQueue meta-scheduler as the executor. This page provides an example batch script for this purpose.
Whenever you're unsure how to run your workflow efficiently, don't hesitate to contact CSC Service Desk.
Example batch script for Mahti supercomputer
#SBATCH --partition=medium
#SBATCH --account=<project>
#SBATCH --nodes=3
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=128
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
# Load the required modules
module load hyperqueue
module load nextflow
# Create a per job directory
mkdir -p ${wrkdir}/.hq-server
# Set the directory which hyperqueue will use
export HQ_SERVER_DIR=${wrkdir}/.hq-server
# Make sure Nextflow uses the right executor and knows how much it can submit
echo "executor {
queueSize = $(( 128*SLURM_NNODES ))
name = 'hq'
cpus = $(( 128*SLURM_NNODES ))
}" > ${wrkdir}/nextflow.config
# Start the server in the background (&) and wait until it has started
hq server start &
until hq job list &>/dev/null ; do sleep 1 ; done
# Start the workers in the background and wait for them to start
srun --overlap --cpu-bind=none --mpi=none hq worker start --cpus=${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} &
hq worker wait "${SLURM_NTASKS}"
# Copy main.nf to the work directory if needed
cp main.nf ${wrkdir}
cd ${wrkdir}
# run the Nextflow pipeline here
nextflow run main.nf <options>
# Make sure we exit cleanly once Nextflow is done
hq job wait all
hq worker stop all
hq server stop
Where main.nf
would be the Nextflow script you want to run. Note that this
batch script creates a separate directory for each job and copies the Nextflow
script there before starting.
$ ls
example_jobscript.sh main.nf
$ sbatch example_jobscript.sh
Submitted batch job 314159
$ ls
example_jobscript.sh main.nf WRKDIR-314159
$ ls WRKDIR-314159
main.nf work