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How to pull images from Rahti v1 registry

If you want to use the images stored in Rahti 1 Registry from Rahti 2 in a Pod you can make it via Secret.
Here are the steps.

Create a secret in Rahti v2

Type this command to create the Secret:

oc create secret docker-registry rahti-docker-pull-secret-unused --docker-username=unused --docker-password=<token_from_rahti1_registry>

Replace token_from_rahti1_registry. You can retrieve this token by going to Rahti Registry web interface.

Create a yaml file

Then, you can create a pod.yaml file for example:


- apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod
    name: mypod
      - name: mypod
      - name: rahti-docker-pull-secret-unused

Finally, apply the file using the command:

oc apply -f pod.yaml

Keep in mind this is an example for a Pod. Such procedure can also be used for BuildConfig, Deployment, StatefulSet, ...

Pushing and pulling with image manifest v2 schema 1

Future releases of Docker will only able to pull images in OCI image spec format. More information here

Images in Rahti v1 registry are docker format. If you want to copy your images from Rahti v1 registry to Rahti v2, you can use Skopeo.

This command allows you to copy direcly from Rahti v1 registry to Rahti v2 and convert the format from docker to oci:

skopeo copy -f oci --src-creds unused:$(rahtiv1-token) docker:// --dest-creds $(rahtiv2-login):$(rahtiv2-token) docker://

You can find your image in the ImageStreams section (Administrator view) or nby typing this command:

oc get is

Last update: March 28, 2024