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JAX is Autograd and XLA, brought together for high-performance machine learning research.


Currently supported JAX versions:

Version Module Puhti Mahti LUMI Notes
0.4.23 jax/0.4.23-py3.9 X X X* default version
0.4.20 jax/0.4.20 X X X*
0.4.18 jax/0.4.18 - - X*
0.4.14 jax/0.4.14 X X -
0.4.13 jax/0.4.13 X X -
0.4.1 jax/0.4.1 X X -
0.3.13 jax/0.3.13 X X -

The modules contain JAX for Python 3.9 with GPU support via CUDA/ROCm as well as a large list of additional python packages commonly used together with JAX.

Versions in LUMI, marked as "X*" are still experimental with limited support. Some of the features described below might not work for them. They are subject to change at any time without notice. Note that JAX is also available in the LUMI Software Library.


Since JAX releases new versions on a somewhat irregular schedule we will not make all new versions immediately available. Instead we endeavour to update the JAX version available on our systems approximately once every quarter, targeting February, May, August and November, on a best effort basis.

All modules are based on containers using Apptainer (previously known as Singularity). Wrapper scripts have been provided so that common commands such as python, python3, pip and pip3 should work as normal. For other commands, you need to prefix them with apptainer_wrapper exec. For more information, see CSC's general instructions on how to run Apptainer containers.

Additional packages

If you find that some package is missing, you can often install it yourself with pip install --user. See our Python documentation for more information on how to install packages yourself. If you think that some important JAX-related package should be included in the modules provided by CSC, please contact our servicedesk.

With recent modules it is also possible to use Python virtual environments. To create a virtual environment use the command python3 -m venv --system-site-packages venv.


JAX is licensed under Apache License 2.0.


To use the default version (most-recent) on Puhti or Mahti, initialize it with:

module load jax

To access CSC-installed JAX on LUMI:

module use /appl/local/csc/modulefiles/
module load jax


In your scripts we recommend to fix the version so that changes in future upgrades do not break scripts, e.g.,: module load jax/0.4.23-py3.9

Please note that the JAX modules already include the corresponding CUDA and cuDNN or ROCm libraries, so there is no need to load any cuda, cudnn, or rocm modules separately!

This will show all available versions of JAX:

module avail jax

The JAX modules include several libraries from the JAX ecosystem (e.g. Haiku, Flax, and Objax). To check the exact packages and versions included in the loaded module you can run:



Note that the login nodes are not intended for heavy computing, please use slurm batch jobs instead. See our instructions on how to use the batch job system.


Please do not read a huge number of files from the shared file system, use fast local disk or package your data into larger files instead! See the Data storage section in our machine learning guide for more details.

More information

Last update: March 7, 2024