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Advanced level

This tutorial requires a good knowledge of OpenShift CLI tool oc as well as Linux environment

Learn cloud computing by developing and deploying a web application

This tutorial will teach you how to use CSC's Cloud services by developing a web application and deploying it on the cloud. The tutorial assumes basic knowledge of the Linux operating system, Git version control system, Julia language, and SQL databases. We recommend reading the Linux basics tutorial for understanding basic Linux command line usage.

You can find the web application from the csc-training/GenieWebApp.jl repository. You can start by cloning the GitHub repository.

git clone

Then, you can continue by reading the GenieWebApp.jl's documentation, which contains in-depth instruction on developing and deploying the application using a web user interface and command-line interface to a virtual machine on Pouta with OpenStack and OpenShift container platform on Rahti. By following the instructions, you will learn the basic usage of both services.