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Mahti has expanded its capabilities with a new small partition with core-based allocation and fast local NVMe storage! Click here for details.

Basic level

This is a simple tutorial to show how to deploy a web server using the Rahti web interface as the same as the one using the CLI that you can find here

Static web server

How to set up a static web server in Rahti.

  1. Create a project. Instructions

  2. In the Openshift web console, switch to the Developer perspective. Select Add from the navigation panel. To create an application, under Developer Catalog list Select All services and then search for Apache HTTP Server, Click the Apache HTTP Server, and Select Instantiate Template on the pop-up window on the right. Select-httpd Instantiate-template

  3. Type in the source Git repository containing the content to be served. Click Create . Here, the sample content is used, and the application is created in the project http-test-project. type-in-git

  4. Select Topology from the navigation panel to Navigate to the newly created project and Click name of the project from the graphical map of running applications. Select Details on the pop-up window on the right. Now, the OpenShift dashboard should display information about the application. new-project-deployment-config

This application is available at Select Resources on the pop-up window on the right under the Routes list. new-app-info

If the link did not work, make sure that the browser did not change the address to use https instead of intended http.

OpenShift processed a template that provisioned various objects, such as Pods, Services, Routes, Deployment, and Builds into the container cloud, and as a result, a web server emerged.

For deeper insight in to the created objects, please see:

  • Core objects for introduction to the fundamental objects on which OpenShift/Kubernetes applications are built upon.
  • Kubernetes and OpenShift Concepts for how managing applications in OpenShift/Kubernetes is further streamlined using higher abstraction level objects.