The web client – OpenStack Horizon Dashboard
This chapter provides instructions for using Allas with the user-friendly OpenStack Horizon Dashboard.
OpenStack documentation for managing buckets over the web interface:
The OpenStack dashboard has a small subset of object storage functionalities. The available operations:
Function |
Create a new bucket |
Upload an object (max. 5GB) |
View objects and buckets |
Download an object |
Remove objects and buckets |
Make buckets public or private |
Alternative Web Interface – Allas Web UI
For a more intuitive and feature-rich web interface, you can also use Allas Web UI.
Allas Web UI provides a graphical way to manage object storage, create and delete buckets, upload/download objects, and set sharing permissions, all within a user-friendly environment.
Create a bucket
1. Go to and login
2. In the menu on the left, navigate to Project | Object Store | Containers
(A container corresponds to a bucket)
Figure Creating a container
3. Press the +Container button and name the bucket (see the checklist for naming a bucket). If you choose to make the bucket Public, the contents of the bucket can be viewed via the internet.
Upload an object
The data upload function of this interface works only for files smaller than 5 GB.
1. Choose the desired bucket and press the upload symbol on the right.
Figure Uploading an object
2. Choose the object on your computer and name it. Note: Do not use non-ASCII characters (ä, ö etc.).
3. Upload the object. It will appear in your container. You can also create pseudo folders for the objects with the +Folder button next to the upload symbol, e.g. to organize the objects into folders.
View objects via the internet
If the bucket containing the objects is set to public, the objects can be viewed via the internet by anyone who knows the URL. This setting can be changed in by choosing the container and selecting the Public Access setting:
Figure Making an object public or private
For example, the public object called my_fish in the container my_fishbucket can be viewed with the URL Note that in cases, where a large object is stored to Allas as segments, you must set to public also the segments containing bucket ( e.g. my_fichbucket_segments ).
Download an object
Download an object by clicking the Download button on the right side of the object's name.
Remove objects and buckets
Objects can be removed by expanding the dropdown menu on the right next to the Download button and choosing Delete.
Buckets can be removed only when they are empty. Hence, all objects in a bucket must be removed or moved elsewhere before the bucket can be deleted. Remove a bucket by clicking the trashcan symbol next to the bucket's name.
Figure Removing an object or a bucket
Alternatively, and especially if you want to remove several objects at once, you can choose the objects by selecting the small boxes on the left side of the object names and choosing the trashcan symbol on the red background in the upper right corner.