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Using Nextcloud as front end for Allas storage system

Motivation: Allas is a general purpose storage system for research data. It can be used with tools based on Swift and S3 protocols. However, in many cases, using Allas directly trough S3 or Swift is limited by the rather plain structure of user management and by the fact that the access is based on personal CSC user accounts.

Using Nextcloud server as a front end allows you to create and manage your own user base for your Allas storage area and control the access to different datasets and storage areas. Further, Nextcloud provides several user interfaces (including a WWW-interface and a cell phone app) that are often easier to use and more flexible to use that native Swift or S3 applications.

In this document we show a simple use case with the following steps:

  1. Launch a new Ubuntu18 Virtual Machine
  2. Install a Nextcloud server into the new VM
  3. Link The Nextcloud server is linked to a data bucket in Allas
  4. New Nextcloud user account is created for an external user

1. Launch a new Ubuntu Virtual Machine

First, launch a new Ubuntu based server in cPouta service. This tutorial has been tested on Ubuntu18 and Ubuntu24.
See instructions in the cPouta documentation and in tutorial video.

In most cases the combination of “standard small” flavor and Ubuntu18 or Ubuntu24 image is sufficient.

When you create the security group for the VM, the instructions above show how port 22 is opened for ssh access. In this case, use the same procedure to open port 443 (https), too, as it will be used to access the Nextcloud server.

2. Setting up a Next Cloud sever in the VM

Open a terminal connection to your server (ssh or Putty) to install the Nextcloud server. First, it is good to update the Ubuntu system:

sudo apt-get update
In this example we use snap as it provides an easy way to install Nextcloud. You can do the installations with just few commands.

First do the next-cloud installation with command:

sudo snap install nextcloud
Then, Nextcloud administration account is created. In the command below the account name is defined to be ncadmin with password 1Hu9kgFsN.
sudo nextcloud.manual-install ncadmin 1Hu9kgFsN
Next you need to enable https with self signed certificate. Self signed certificates are sufficient for testing, but for production you should use real certificates (e.g. lets-encrypt instead of self-signed).
sudo nextcloud.enable-https self-signed

As a last step. add the IP-address of your Nextcloud server to the list of trusted domains. The IP-address is the Floating IP address that you assigned for the VM and that you used to open the terminal connection. For example the case of IP: the definition could be done with command:

sudo nextcloud.occ config:system:set trusted_domains 1 --value=

Now you should be able to connect your Nextcoud server running in https://ip-of-your-VM

So in this example:

If the connection web interface fails check that:

  • you are using the right protocol and ip address
  • port number 443 and your local IP address (not the server IP) is defined in the cPouta security group and that this security group is in use
  • your browser accepts self-signed certificates

Nextcloud software is modular, it can be extended with Nextcloud Apps. Once you have the Nextcloud up and running, it is a good practice to check what Apps are enabled and how different features are configured to work. You can do this in the Nextcloud user interface when you are logging in as admin. If you wish, you can also start this by running a CSC provided script that disables a few and configures some Apps in order to make the Nextcloud less overloaded with features for this kind of Allas front end testing. The script can be downloaded and run like this:

curl >clean_nextcloud_snap
chmod +x clean_nextcloud_snap

To be able to link Allas to your Nextcloud server, you must have a valid S3 key pair and a ready made data bucket in Allas. The bucket can be empty or it can already contain some data objects.

You can do this things for example in with commands:

a. Setting up the connection:

module load allas
allas-conf --mode s3cmd

b. Creating a new empty bucket

s3cmd mb s3://your-proj-num-nextcloud
In this example we are using project 2001234 so the bucket name could be:


c. Printing out the keys

grep key $HOME/.s3cfg

S3 Allas credentials

You can also create Allas S3 credentials by following this tutorial

Now return to the Nextcloud WWW-interface and log in as the admin. Click the round symbol on the right end of the blue menu bar and select +Apps from the pop-up menu.

Go to Your apps and from the appearing application list enable External storage support.

Then click the round symbol again and open Administration settings .

In the settings panel on the left side, scroll to the Administration section add select: External storage .

Open the Add storage menu and select : Amazon S3

This opens a definition menu here you need to file following parameters:

  • Folder name: display name for the allas bucket (2001234-nextcloud)
  • Authentication: Select Access key
  • Bucket: The bucket you just created or some older bucket.
  • Port: 443
  • Region: US
  • Enable SSL
  • Access key: from the output of the grep command above
  • Secret key: from the output of the grep command above

Then go to the External storage in your Personal settings and click the line containing the external folder name just created to ensure that the storage works.

If you now move to the Files tool in the main menu (blue bar on the top), you should see an new external storage folder named as defined above.

Now you can click this folder and start uploading and downloading data from and to this Allas bucket using the Nextcloud interface.

4. Create new Nextcloud user account for an external user

The Nextcloud admin account can create new users and user groups to the Nextcloud server. Click the round symbol on the right end of the blue menu bar and select Users from the pop-up menu.

First we create a new user group by clicking + sign next to Groups. Here we name the group as “users” and confirm the creation request by typing the password of Nextcloud admin.

Then a new user is created by clicking New account User name and password needs to be defined for the user and the new account is added to group Users.

Finally, we need to allow this new user to access the External storage (the bucket from Allas). To do that, go back to the Settings view and reopen the External storage settings from the Administration tools.

Now in the “Available for” column, click the definition field. This lists the users and user groups. Choose either the user or user group to allow the new user to access the Allas bucket. You can define both read and write permissions or you can also give just read-only access to a user or user group. These options are set with the menu that opens from the three dots next to the definition field.

5. Using Nextcloud

Once a new nextcloud account is created, you can send the account information to the new user and he/she will be able to use Nextcloud to upload and download data to the data bucket that was linked to the Nextcloud server. Note, that this user doesn't need to have CSC account, a Nextcloud account is enough. In addition to the web interfaces, Nextcloud can be used by desktop tools and phone apps.

Common line usage is possible too. This can be utilized for example in cases your data download or upload needs to be automatized. Below is a sample where data is uploaded and download using curl command and application password. In this case the NextCloud admin has created a user named as ncuser1 for this purpose. First the ncuser1 logs is to the next cloud server. The user opens Settings menu and there moves to Security settings.

In security section section Devices & Sessions, an application password is created by clicking button: Create a new app password. Note that you have to copy and save the application password, that was just generated, as you can't check it later on.

In addition to user name and application password, the user needs to know the IP address or server name to access the service. With this information available, data can be downloaded from Nextcould using curl command syntax:

curl -k -u username:app-password "https://server-ip/remote.php/webdav/nextcloudirectiory/file-name"

And upload can be done using syntax:

curl -k -u username:app-password -T file-to-upload "https://server-ip/remote.php/webdav/nextcloudirectory/file-name"

In the commands above option -k is needed when the Nextcould server uses self signed certificates.

In this example the app password that user ncuser1 generated is: Q34EN-Ni7pH-9oSes-ZQsF7-NdkYi and the IP address of the NectCloud server is 123.456.768.910. Earlier the the Nextcloud admin had linked Allas bucket 2001234-nextcloud to the next cloud service.

Now the ncuser1 is able to upload a file image1.jpg to Allas bucket 2001234-nextcloud with command:

curl -k -u ncuser1:Q34EN-Ni7pH-9oSes-ZQsF7-NdkYi -T ./image1.jpg "https://123.456.768.910/remote.php/webdav/2001234-nextcloud/image1.jpg"

The same file can be downloaded with command:

curl -k -u ncuser1:Q34EN-Ni7pH-9oSes-ZQsF7-NdkYi "https://123.456.768.910/remote.php/webdav/2001234-nextcloud/image1.jpg" > image1.jpg