Allas Web UI
Allas Web UI provides a simple-to-use web user interface for CSC Object Storage service, Allas.
Getting Started
- Go to and log in.
- Select your project from the Select Project dropdown menu.
Creating a Bucket
A bucket is a storage container for your objects. Follow these steps to create one:
- Click on Create bucket.
- Enter a bucket name (names cannot be modified later. See the checklist for naming a bucket).
- (Optional) Add tags for better organization and search abilities.
- Click Save.
Creating a new bucket
Uploading Objects
You can upload objects in two ways:
Uploading from the main page:
- Click the Upload button on the dashboard.
- Enter a bucket name (names cannot be modified later. See the checklist for naming a bucket).
- Select / "Drag & Drop" objects and click Upload.
- A new bucket containing the objects will be created.
Uploading to an existing bucket:
- Click on an existing bucket.
- Press the Upload button.
- Select / "Drag & Drop" objects and click Upload to store them in the chosen bucket.
Viewing and Managing Buckets
After creating buckets and uploading objects, you can view and manage them easily.
- The main dashboard lists all your buckets.
- Click on a bucket name to view its contents.
- Use the Download, Share, or Options (Copy, Edit tags, Delete) buttons for actions on objects and buckets.
Managing buckets in Allas
Sharing a Bucket
To share a bucket, follow these steps:
- Obtain the Share ID:
- If you are sharing with another project you own: Switch to that project, press Copy Share ID, then return to your original project.
- If you are sharing with another user's project: Ask them to copy their Share ID and send it to you.
- Look for the bucket you want to share, click Share, and paste the copied Share ID.
- Select the permissions:
- Transfer data: Allows downloading and copying.
- Collaborate: Allows uploading and deleting.
- View: Read-only access.
- Click Share to finalize the process.
- You can see the buckets you have shared under the Buckets you have shared tab.
- You can see buckets shared with you under the Buckets shared with you tab.
Note: You can always remove a share of a bucket by clicking Share and pressing Delete.
Copying a Bucket
Use Case: If you want to preserve the data in a bucket while performing tests or modifications, you can copy it and work on the duplicate without affecting the original.
To copy a bucket:
- Click on the Options button next to the bucket.
- Select Copy.
Downloading Objects and Buckets
Downloading buckets or folders larger than 5 GiB is currently not supported. For larger downloads, consider using the Command Line Tools instead.
- Click the Download button next to the Bucket / Object.
- The file will be saved to your local system.
Removing Objects and Buckets
- Buckets: Empty the bucket first, then click Options > Delete next to the bucket.
- Objects: Click Delete next to an object.