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Mahti has expanded its capabilities with a new small partition with core-based allocation and fast local NVMe storage! Click here for details.

Allas Web UI

Allas Web UI provides a simple-to-use web user interface for CSC Object Storage service, Allas.

Getting Started

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Select your project from the Select Project dropdown menu.

Allas Web UI Login

Main Page

Creating a Bucket

A bucket is a storage container for your objects. Follow these steps to create one:

  1. Click on Create bucket.
  2. Enter a bucket name (names cannot be modified later. See the checklist for naming a bucket).
  3. (Optional) Add tags for better organization and search abilities.
  4. Click Save.

Create a Bucket
Creating a new bucket

Uploading Objects

You can upload objects in two ways:

Uploading from the main page:

  1. Click the Upload button on the dashboard.
  2. Enter a bucket name (names cannot be modified later. See the checklist for naming a bucket).
  3. Select / "Drag & Drop" objects and click Upload.
  4. A new bucket containing the objects will be created.

Uploading to an existing bucket:

  1. Click on an existing bucket.
  2. Press the Upload button.
  3. Select / "Drag & Drop" objects and click Upload to store them in the chosen bucket.

Allas Web UI Login

Main Page

Viewing and Managing Buckets

After creating buckets and uploading objects, you can view and manage them easily.

  1. The main dashboard lists all your buckets.
  2. Click on a bucket name to view its contents.
  3. Use the Download, Share, or Options (Copy, Edit tags, Delete) buttons for actions on objects and buckets.

Managing buckets in Allas

Sharing a Bucket

To share a bucket, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain the Share ID:
    • If you are sharing with another project you own: Switch to that project, press Copy Share ID, then return to your original project.
    • If you are sharing with another user's project: Ask them to copy their Share ID and send it to you.
  2. Look for the bucket you want to share, click Share, and paste the copied Share ID.
  3. Select the permissions:
    • Transfer data: Allows downloading and copying.
    • Collaborate: Allows uploading and deleting.
    • View: Read-only access.
  4. Click Share to finalize the process.
  5. You can see the buckets you have shared under the Buckets you have shared tab.
  6. You can see buckets shared with you under the Buckets shared with you tab.

Note: You can always remove a share of a bucket by clicking Share and pressing Delete.

Sharing Permissions

Buckets You Have Shared

Copying a Bucket

Use Case: If you want to preserve the data in a bucket while performing tests or modifications, you can copy it and work on the duplicate without affecting the original.

To copy a bucket:

  1. Click on the Options button next to the bucket.
  2. Select Copy.

Downloading Objects and Buckets

Downloading buckets or folders larger than 5 GiB is currently not supported. For larger downloads, consider using the Command Line Tools instead.

  1. Click the Download button next to the Bucket / Object.
  2. The file will be saved to your local system.

Removing Objects and Buckets

  • Buckets: Empty the bucket first, then click Options > Delete next to the bucket.
  • Objects: Click Delete next to an object.